Together with Jews, the Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) were targeted for extermination by the Nazis during their twelve-year reign of terror and were thus also victims of ideological racism. The stories of the Roma and Sinti are less well known and the first memorial to their suffering was only unveiled in Berlin in 2012: the history of this persecution, over a thousand years of oppression in Europe, must be told even more urgently while the few survivors are still with us.

Rita Prigmore’s mother was facing forced sterilization when she was found to be carrying twins, a subject of endless fascination to Nazi doctors in their pursuit of creating a super race. This saved the life of the as yet unborn Rita and her sibling but both infants were then subject to unspeakable medical “experimentation”. While she was only two years old when the war ended, Rita has managed to trace the story of her birth and suffering – an indelible part of her early memories – and she still lives with their long-term consequences today.

Please join the HKHTC for a truly fascinating and original talk with Rita Prigmore, in Germany, as she tells us of this little-known aspect of the Holocaust and where her community is still subject to extreme racism and deprivation in contemporary European society.

The webinar video can be watched here